Yalantis CEP: Evaluate, monitor, and enhance competency across the company

  • Product

  • Software products

Platform overview

The Yalantis Competency Evaluation Platform (CEP) is an internal system for evaluating employees’ performance and competency throughout their time with the company. It allows mentors to create individual development plans (IDPs), assess employees’ current skill levels using a skills matrix, and monitor employees’ progress from one review to another. Employees can use the platform to track their progress in aligning knowledge and skills with IDPs created by mentors.

Common challenges with employee assessment that Yalantis CEP solves

Highly skilled and competent engineers are critical for a company’s success. However, it’s always a challenge not only to enhance the company’s expertise but to sustain it at a respectable level, especially considering the large number of employees who may require an individual approach to their professional development. As a result, companies encounter the following problems:

  • A need to track down multiple files and use multiple tools to constantly monitor employees’ career paths
  • Difficulty obtaining unbiased and clear schemas for salary reviews based on employees’ progress over time and dedication to skills development
  • Results of reviews and personal information of employees being stored in different places
  • Challenges with providing effective feedback and career guidance based on insights gathered within the platform
  • Lack of a convenient tool for employees to monitor their self-development and review their IDPs

Benefits of Yalantis CEP

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    Introduction of a clear competency model. Yalantis CEP is a reliable digital assistant that clearly displays employees’ qualifications and history of professional growth. It aids mentors and management teams in tracking employees’ competency levels, ultimately enhancing the company’s overall performance and market value.

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    Standardized competency evaluation for specialists in various fields. Yalantis CEP includes a Yalantis-based competency matrix for IT companies. This matrix encompasses criteria for new candidates, trainees, interns, and other roles. Moreover, the platform enables companies to effortlessly create their own competency standards or customize existing ones.

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    Full transparency in IDP creation and execution monitoring. Employees can receive tailored skills development recommendations based on their career goals and current competencies. During their post-review evaluation period, employees can use Yalantis CEP to indicate all completed tasks included in their IDPs.

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    60% higher job satisfaction. According to regular ESAT (Employee Satisfaction) surveys, the Yalantis HR team has identified that implementing Yalantis CEP has enhanced employee motivation. With properly established processes for personal growth and advancement, employees feel more driven and inspired. This increases their level of trust, productivity, and satisfaction with the company.

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    40% greater efficiency compared to a manual evaluation process. Yalantis CEP automates the scheduling and execution of competency evaluations and allows mentors to easily assess language proficiency using documented criteria.

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    Up to 70% reduction in development costs. As a ready-to-use product, Yalantis CEP will be fully adopted by a company within two months, whereas a custom solution would require at least six months of active development.

Check out this video to see how the product works:

Functionality covering critical facets of working with the organization’s competencies

Yalantis CEP provides the following features:

Tools for visualizing competency levels and development plans:

  • Competency matrices. Users can upload grades and competency matrices for specialists in various departments from a file, automatically generating an IDP board.
  • Personal IDP creation. Mentors can create an IDP for each mentee based on the results of their performance review. The system conveniently visualizes the materials, tasks, or courses that mentees should complete before the next review. This allows both mentors and mentees to track progress and assess a mentee’s progress towards goals.

Functionality for conducting reviews:

  • Review session scheduling. An HR manager can schedule a review session for an employee either upon request or as planned. To schedule, they only need to assign a reviewer and select a suitable date in the system. The chosen reviewer will receive a notification and have a corresponding Jira task created for them in the system.
  • Automated score calculation for competency evaluation. Using Yalantis CEP, mentors can organize review sessions and automatically calculate an overall competency score. The final score is calculated based on rates managers assign to employees considering their skills. If the final score meets the target grade, the review is considered successful. However, mentors can also modify the result (approve/disapprove) if they have a different opinion. Following a performance review, mentors and mentees can view radar charts displaying quantitative variable values by matrices.
  • Jira-based employee performance reports. Managers and mentors can export performance reports from Jira to evaluate employees. These reports include metrics such as estimated versus actual working hours, the number of reopened tasks, and the ratio of bugfix time to feature implementation time.
  • Previous review results. Employees and HR specialists can view the results of previous technical and English reviews.
  • Analytical module. This includes radar charts and reports with quantitative variables according to hard skill competency matrices and an English language competency matrix. Radar charts clearly represent multivariate data about employees’ skills. By examining these charts, mentors, English teachers, and employees can identify professional strengths and weaknesses without the need to reread performance review results. Additionally, radar charts offer a clear view of skills that need improvement, enabling comparative analysis with results from previous evaluation periods.

Platform management:

  • Flexible role-based access control (RBAC). Yalantis CEP offers both a flexible, intuitive permission control system for various types of data and the ability to establish a mentoring hierarchy. Managers can designate mentors for employees; likewise, mentees can be assigned to mentors. This simplifies the process of determining who is responsible for interviewing an employee.
  • Notification center. If there are any changes within the system, such as mentor assignments, mentee requests, or reviews, the corresponding employee will be notified through the system’s notification tab and corporate email.
  • Single sign-on (SSO). Employees can sign in to Yalantis CEP with a corporate Google account to avoid manual password management.

Use cases proving the efficiency of Yalantis CEP

  • Effective evaluation of employees’ competency growth fosters skill improvement, enhances work quality, and motivates employees to pursue self-development

  • Efficient team staffing with specialists demonstrating required competencies helps to quickly fill vacancies and aligns perfectly with client needs and project requirements

  • Streamlined monitoring of the company’s expertise helps to identify areas for improvement, increase the organization’s market value, and enhance client satisfaction

  • A documented and approved competency system optimizes mentor–mentee communication, identifies gaps in employees’ expertise, and assists employees in improving their skills