A mobile communication platform for KPMG

Learn how our team developed a mobile communication channel for a world-known consultancy company, allowing their users to contact KPMG consultants and request a callback in real time.

  • Industry

    FinTech and consulting

  • Country


  • Team size

    5 IT experts

  • Collaboration

    January 2017 – August 2018

About the client

KPMG is an international company that provides audit, tax, and advisory services and is known as a trusted consultant to businesses around the globe.

Business context

KPMG came to Yalantis to create a mobile iOS software product that would be used as an urgent communication channel by its clients, in particular when:

  • a client’s company is about to receive an unexpected audit
  • a client is in need of urgent legal or financial advice during a meeting

Solution overview

  • Elaborating the functionality

    Whether a client faces an unexpected audit or needs urgent financial advice, the situation requires more than a textbook approach. Considering this, we implemented: 

    • Speech-to-text input and text messages. Clients can dictate their questions to quickly share details with KPMG consultants, indicating whether they want to be contacted by email or phone.
    • Siri integration to provide a convenient shortcut for users. Clients can request a callback from KPMG managers from any screen and without opening the KPMG app itself. 
    • Image and audio recording attachments. If a client needs a consultant’s opinion on paperwork or a clause in a legal document, they can attach an image or a voice recording to the message. With voice recordings, clients save time on clarifying requirements and provide consultants with more information than they could quickly share in a written message.
    • Admin panel for KPMG consultants. We created an admin panel that allows consultants to sort and manage categories of questions, send push notifications to users, display users’ questions, and manage user profiles and authorization. 
  • Creating an intuitive user experience

    Our design experts used animation to guide users through the app. An animated microphone icon, animated input fields and buttons, and soundwaves deliver feedback to users when recording audio and typing messages. 

    As a result, we created a design solution that is:

    • conversation-optimized 
    • minimalist
    • aligned with KPMG’s corporate style
  • Developing the mobile software product

    To comply with modern Swift conventions and optimize image loading for a streamlined user experience, our development experts used: 

    • RxSwift for asynchronous programming with observable streams
    • CoreData as an object graph and persistence framework 
    • Alamofire as an HTTP networking library
    • SDWebImage as an asynchronous image downloader with cache support and a UIImageView category 
    • Crashlytics as a crash reporting framework with various distribution and analytics tools

    We also used Ruby on Rails for the back end and used the REST API for delivering user questions to consultants containing text, photos, and audio, collecting all system categories, and managing current user authorization, session, and profile data.

Value delivered

Our collaboration with KPMG resulted in a solution that:

  • helps clients handle unexpected audits and get urgent legal or financial advice

  • offers traditional communication methods like email and phone

  • provides alternative communication methods such as voice messages and image attachments

  • enables Siri integration for contacting consultants outside the app interface

  • serves as a time-saving online communication channel for KPMG clients, with multiple alternative contact methods and a conversation-optimized UX


Yalantis will deliver a multiplatform solution that covers your communication and business needs and facilitates corporate interaction for better efficiency

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